BMW fixes security flaw that exposed 2.2M cars to break-ins
German automaker BMW says it has fixed a security flaw that made 2.2 million of its vehicles vulnerable to break-ins.
View ArticleThree wireless technologies that could make 5G even faster
The capacity of today's wireless communications networks has increased one million-fold since the introduction of the first cellular network in 1957.
View ArticleNovel graph method detects cyber-attack patterns in complex computing networks
As the perils of cyber security breaches continue to plague industries, governments, and citizens throughout the world, the need to detect these infiltrating events, as well as identify their attack...
View ArticleHow a hacker could hijack a plane from their seat
Reports that a cybersecurity expert successfully hacked into an aeroplane's control system from a passenger seat raises many worrying questions for the airline industry.
View ArticleConnected cars, data traffic jams, to challenge mobile operators
A press release on Thursday had bracing news about the future of cars as traveling computers on wheels. Rush hour could see data traffic double in certain cells, presenting major challenges to network...
View ArticleTraffic monitoring to generate knowledge
Researchers at UPM have developed an application that generates traffic information for cities and roads by detecting a Bluetooth device boarded on vehicles.
View ArticleCrew rotation and passenger connections spread flight delays
A study led by researchers of the Spanish National Research Council and the University of the Balearic Islands asserts that crew rotation and passengers connections systematically spread flight delays...
View ArticleTD-LTE breakthroughs showcased at Mobile World Congress 2013
Nokia Siemens Networks is highlighting TD-LTE innovation at Mobile World Congress 2013 in Barcelona. This includes a demonstration of data traffic offloading between TD-LTE and FDD-LTE using the...
View Article3Qs: The rules of cyber-engagement
The Obama administration is close to approving the nation's first set of rules for how the military can defend or retaliate against a major cyberattack, according to a report last month in The New York...
View ArticleFrench workers waste an hour a day on surfing, study finds
French workers spend nearly one hour a day at the office surfing the Internet for non-professional uses, with Facebook and YouTube their favourite sites, according to a study published Wednesday.
View ArticleImproving the flow of the fibre optic freeway
Monash University researchers have played a pivotal role in the invention of an energy-efficient method of increasing the data capacity of optical networks to the point where all of the world's...
View ArticleNew architecture for network-wide optimization of ICT platforms
Fujitsu today announced the development of FUJITSU Intelligent Networking and Computing Architecture, a new architecture for network-wide ICT platform optimization based on the principles of software...
View ArticleInternet traffic rise needs infrastructure upgrade
Australian internet traffic will increase by more than five times to hit one exabyte (one billion gigabytes) of data a month by 2016, a University of Adelaide mathematician and internet researcher has...
View ArticleNew video streaming technology for mobile phones
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a new architecture for better-quality video streaming on mobile phones and across wireless networks. The new architecture is based on utilising...
View ArticleShedding new light on the 'electron highways' of organic solar cells
( —Sunlight absorbed by organic solar cells must first navigate a nanoscale gauntlet before becoming useable electricity. After hitting the light-absorbing material of the solar cell, called...
View ArticleSmartphones seen tripling to 5.6 billion by 2019
The number of smartphones is forecast to triple to 5.6 billion globally by 2019, accounting for more than 60 percent of cellphones.
View ArticleMichigan team finds security flaws in traffic lights
What if attackers could manipulate traffic lights so that accidents would happen with mayhem as the result? That is a question many would rather put off for another day but authorities feeling...
View ArticleCutting congestion on the data network highway
Perhaps no other consumer-driven technology has made such incredible advances in such a relatively short space of time as the mobile phone. Today's smartphones are used to stream videos, access social...
View ArticleSony: PlayStation back online after 3-day outage
Sony says its PlayStation Network is back online after three days of disruptions that began on Christmas.
View ArticleCyber attackers leaving warning 'messages': NSA chief
Attackers hacking into American computer networks appear to be leaving "cyber fingerprints" to send a message that critical systems are vulnerable, the top US cyber-warrior said Thursday.
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